It can also be more secure at times, depending on where the software package is downloaded from. This is the more complicated method of the two, and will take more time – however, this method gives you more control over what gets installed and what doesn’t. Method 2: Compiling Python 3.6.4 on CentOS 7 From Source Code You have now finished installing Python 3.6.4 on your CentOS 7 machine, as well as installing a native Python package management tool called pip.

Once these commands are executed, simply check if the correct version of Python has been installed by executing the following command: python3.6 -V

sudo yum install -y python36u python36u-libs python36u-devel python36u-pip This will not only install Python – but it will also install pip to help you with installing add-ons. sudo yum update Step 3: Download and install Python. sudo yum install -y Step 2: Update Yum to finish adding the repository. Step 1: Open a Terminal and add the repository to your Yum install. In this case, we are adding the Inline with Upstream Stable repository, a community project whose goal is to bring new versions of software to RHEL-based systems. Here, we simply add a repository that has the pre-compiled version ready for us to install. This is the easier method of the two for installing Python on your machine. Method 1: Install Python 3.6.4 on CentOS 7 From a Repository So, we can either compile Python on our machine from the source code or add a repository that has a pre-compiled version of Python for CentOS 7. The reason there are two methods is that Python 3.6.4 does not come by default in the built-in Yum repositories. In this tutorial, we will show you two methods of installing Python version 3.6.4 on your CentOS 7 machine. In order to have the latest version of Python, the user will have to install it manually. However, the pre-installed version of Python found on CentOS VPS is a much older version.

Python is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language designed to be used as a software solution for almost all kinds of problems. They all rely on Python’s reliability and performance to complete many tasks at a time.

Python is at the core of many popular websites and programs – YouTube, Instagram, and even Yum on CentOS, to name a few. We’ll show you how to install Python 3.6.4 on CentOS 7.